Wednesday, October 22, 2008

100% Whole Wheat Bread

Well okay, I'm not really going to post a recipe here. I'm just going to do my best to encourage you to make your own bread. There are so many reasons that you should. I mean, have you read the list of ingredients on a bread bag lately?? Not only do I love the feeling of making the bread my family eats with my own two hands and the wonderful smell that fills the house when it is baking, I feel really good serving my kids something as nutritious (and delicious) as this bread.

Two years ago, I had no clue how to bake bread. I was afraid to try. I thought it would be really hard. But I really wanted a healthier (and cheaper) option. And that is when I found Beth Scott. I purchased her e-book (I think I paid $19). It was so detailed with pictures and step-by-step for the beginner. (If you go to the site and scroll down a ways, you'll see my testimonial and some pictures that I sent her.) I've been baking bread almost every week ever since, and I couldn't be happier about it (unless I could get someone to slice it for me).

Try it; you'll love it. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you started this blog...I am always on the hunt for healthy recipes! Especially lately. We have some blood sugar issues w/ our 11yo, and she really needs to just eat well, not much straight sugar (which includes white flour, alas). I'll be checking this site often and will already be trying the crockpot applesauce and zingy broccoli tomorrow - we have all the ingredients!